Issues, Politics

Citizens line up to give local lawmakers their three minutes

By Susan Laume:

The Fairfax County state legislative delegation held a public forum on January 5, listening to citizens’ concerns in advance of the start of the 2019 Session of the General Assembly on January 9.

Nearly 100 individuals and groups registered in advance for an opportunity to speak to their Virginia delegates and senators collectively.  Presenters were allotted three minutes to summarize key points on a wide variety of concerns.

Legislators heard comments on varied topics including animal welfare; school staffing, counselors, salaries and funding; judicial staffing; gun control; the environment; health care; homelessness; climate change; taxation and raising standard deductions; transportation; the decriminalization of marijuana possession; and suggested use of uranium resources.

Several speakers addressed the need for Virginia’s vote to pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). See here for earlier reporting in The Blue View on this topic.

Readers interested in learning about bills pre-filed for the 2019 session, will find a useful source.


 Susan Laume is a member of the Springfield District Democratic Committee and a director of the NoVA Coalition for Animals. With her dog, she works as a therapy dog team.


Photo: Members of the Fairfax County state legislative delegation at a public forum on Jan. 5. Photo by Susan Laume

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