Environment, Issues, Politics

Ten million more tons of carbon yearly if bill passes to approve power plants

Ten million tons of carbon would be added to Virginia’s carbon footprint annually if the Virginia legislature approves a bill to permit two new gas-fired power plants in Charles City County, southeast of Richmond.

The bill, SB 992, would greenlight the largest fossil-fueled electrical plant in Virginia ever, the Chickahominy Plant, producing 1,600 MW and costing a proposed $1.6 billion. In addition, the bill approves a second fossil-fuel fired power plant in the same area,  producing 1,066 MW, for a total investment of over $2.2 billion.

The bill is opposed by, among other, the Virginia Grassroots Coalition, a grouping of 40 civic associations representing more than 10,000 citizens, as well as a local citizens group, Concerned Citizens of Charles City County.

The bill has passed the state Senate and is now being considered by the House Agriculture Committee.

Although Virginia Democrats strongly support climate remediation, the votes of the Fairfax County state senatorial delegation on this bill were split. Three senators voted yes on the bill (George Barker, Dave Marsden and Dick Saslaw), while six others voted against (Jennifer Boysko, Adam Ebbin, Barbara Favola, Janet Howell, Chap Petersen and Scott Surovell).

For the bill to fail now, it would need to be voted down in the House Agriculture Committee. The list of Democrats on the committee is below, starting with committee chair Ken Plum, whose constituency is largely based in Hunter Mill.

If you wish to express your view on this bill, do so as soon as possible, as the bill is being considered currently.


Kenneth R. Plum (Chair) (804) 698-1036 DelKPlum@house.virginia.gov
Gwendolyn W.  (Wendy) Gooditis (Vice Chair) (804) 698-1010 DelWGooditis@house.virginia.gov
Roslyn C. Tyler (804) 698-1075 DelRTyler@house.virginia.gov
David L. Bulova (804) 698-1037 DelDBulova@house.virginia.gov
Mark L. Keam (804) 698-1035 DelMKeam@house.virginia.gov
Alfonso H. Lopez (804) 698-1049 DelALopez@house.virginia.gov
Kathy KL Tran (804) 698-1042 DelKTran@house.virginia.gov
Daniel I. Helmer (804) 698-1040 DelDHelmer@house.virginia.gov
Joshua G. Cole (804) 698-1028 DelJCole@house.virginia.gov
Sally L. Hudson (804) 698-1057 DelSHudson@house.virginia.gov
Shelly A. Simonds (804) 698-1094 DelSSimonds@house.virginia.gov
Rodney T. Willett (804) 698-1073 DelRWillett@house.virginia.gov
Nancy D. Guy (804) 698-1083 DelNGuy@house.virginia.gov

Photo: https://c5groupinform.wixsite.com/charlescity

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