Suffragist memorial in Fairfax County halfway to funding goal

By Diane Weeks: A new memorial in southern Fairfax County celebrating the courage of suffragists under brutal treatment by prison guards at Occoquan Workhouse (later known as Lorton Reformatory) is halfway to its funding goal, and on track for completion by August 2020 – the 100 year anniversary of women’s voting rights in the USA. The Turning Point Suffragist Memorial…

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Fairfax activists represented at Netroots Nation Conference

By Holly Hazard: Netroots Nation, the largest gathering of progressive political activists in the nation, convened its annual meeting in New Orleans on Wednesday, August 1. Offering over 100 workshops with 565 panelists and trainers to over 3,000 attendees, and keynote speeches from Cory Booker, Kamila Harris, Tom Steyer and Elizabeth Warren, it promises to inspire and engage progressive Democrats…

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