Issues, Politics

Lawmakers welcome 50+ Committee on day of advocacy for seniors

The 50+ Committee of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee spent a busy day in Richmond on Jan. 16 meeting with state lawmakers on issues that are key to seniors.

Sen. Dick Saslaw (D-35), the Senate’s majority leader, recognized the group from the floor of the Senate, and numerous other legislators also made time for this important constituency.

Issues discussed included mobile voting for long term care facility residents, strengthening nursing home standards, establishing a comprehensive system for elder abuse and establishing a policy to reduce financial abuse of seniors.

Besides Saslaw, Sens. Jennifer Boysko (D- 33), Chap Petersen (D-34), Scott Surovell (D-36) and David Marsden (D-37) met with the committee, as did Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D- 56), the Speaker of the House, and Andrea Tretreault from the office of Del. Marcus Simon (D-53).

The 50+ Committee organizes a day of advocacy in Richmond on the third Thursday of January, among its other activities on behalf of seniors.

Those interested in joining the 50+ Committee should send an email to

Reported by Alice Lieberman of the 50+ Committee

Photo: 50+ Committee members in Richmond for a day of advocacy. L-R: Terry Matlaga Bell, Kevin Bell, Alice Lieberman, Sen. David Marsden, Sue Pickens Owens, Phil Beauchene, Diana Artemis

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